Wednesday, 25 November 2020

120. Birmingham Restauranteurs Fight Back The Tiers.

“Shouldn’t we be drinking this with a substantial meal?“

  Before the second ‘Lockdown’ the Labour leader of Birmingham City Council, Councillor Ward, had been broadcasting how much he thought that Birmingham should be in a 4 week-long national lockdown (regardless of its consequent dire effects on the hospitality industry) and his Director of Public Health was clearly an ardent supporter of the Labour administration’s point of view and from recent statements his views clearly have not changed. With just a day to go till the government allocates the various areas of Britain to the three COVID-19 tiers - Tier 3 meaning that restaurants must remain closed except for takeaway meals - some Birmingham restaurants, though hardly any of the leading restaurants are among them,  have written to the Conservative West Midlands Mayor demanding that he lobbies the government to prevent Birmingham entering Tier 3, a view with which I sympathise  naturally. 

Cllr Ward supports Tier 3 and Lockdowns



However what is irritating about this message is the fact, probably due to political motivations of some, that the message has been sent to the Mayor rather than Birmingham’s Labour City Council leader and his Public Health specialist who have been the most ardent of supporters for stringent measures in the city against the hospitality industry. The present fanatical Labour Council is setting about destroying the city centre with its “clean air zone” which will charge motorists exorbitant amounts of money to drive into the city and other measures which will ensure Birmingham remains a ghost city long after the COVID-19 crisis is over. I suggest that the signatories of this letter drop a line to former driving instructor Mr Ward and his friends as well as that they have already sent to Andrew Street the Mayor and try to convince them of the damage they are doing to Birmingham’s distinguished city restaurants. Finally it might be remembered by all of Birmingham’s restauranteurs that it’s not the government that spreads the virus, it’s the people who don’t follow the rules.


Finally - this could only happen in London:-

Personally, I don’t even like burgers that much. But you have to admit it, he’s a lad isn’t he?

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